Check out these links to the additional resources below –
you are welcome to use and share any that you find useful.
Misinformation Alerts from Public Health Communications Collaborative: Public Health Training Falsely Linked to Vaccine Outreach Campaign. Knowing what misinformation is being shared can help you generate effective messaging.
Social media graphics for COVID-19 vaccination outreach to youth.
Sample Youth Vaccine Radio Script
Youth Vaccine FAQ Page
Youth Vaccination Talking Points
The LA County Department of Health Services’ COVID-19 response toolkit offers creative content and messaging on how communities can keep safe and healthy during COVID-19 available in 13 languages. In the digital toolkit, you can find customizable campaign graphics and other collateral meant to inform your audience about how they can keep healthy.
LA County’s Social Media toolkit offers easy to share social media content in English, Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), Korean and Armenian for various social platforms. Topics include vaccination information, testimonials plus posts and graphics to help you communicate the ways to stay safe in your community during COVID-19.
The Los Angeles County Newsroom video library offers shareable videos in English and Spanish, featuring LA County Public Health’s Dr. Eloisa Gonzalez, answering many frequently asked questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and the COVID-19 vaccine.